Visit to a cheese dairy on the hillsides of mount Hernio

For all the public


Gorua Goiena (Goine) farmhouse was built in 1783 on the hillside of Hernio mountain. Since the beginning it was focused on breeding cattle and the production of milk. Nowadays they make Idiazabal cheese, gaztazarra (a type of cheese), fresh cheese, milk curd or yogurt, among others. In 2022 its soft paste was the champion of the Esneki fair.

Discover the shepherding tradition and the beauty of a breathtaking landscape, as well as the process of making these products.

Minimum group: 6 people

Languages: Spanish and Basque

Price: Adults 10€, children 5€

A taster in pictures of the experience you can enjoy

Mountains and Valleys of Guipuzcoa

Every day

1h ½


0€ - 10€

children reduced rate

Contacto y reservas
· GOINE GAZTAK · Visit website · 615296613