Industrias visitables // Cheese makers

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The Gorua Goiena (Goine) farmhouse was built in 1783 on the slopes of Mount Hernio. It was engaged in cattle breeding and milk production. After a fire and several reconstructions, in 2005, José Antonio Otegui, great-great-grandson of the pioneers, and his wife Mª Jesús Hidalgo, began to raise latxa breed sheep , with whose milk they make their cheeses and dairy products, in an artisanal way and faithful to what they learned over the years. This is how this small company was born, which has opted from the beginning for the diversification of its products. At first they only made D.O. Idiazábal (natural and smoked) and gaztazarra but little by little they have studied and innovated until they have achieved a wide range of products with latxa sheep's milk.